AFICS-NL counts among its members former international civil servants of UN organizations and Bretton Woods institutions (World Bank and International Monetary Fund), but also some active staff who are interested in life after retirement in the Netherlands. Most members have the Netherlands nationality (hence the use of Dutch as working language).
What to expect from AFICS-NL in dealing with administrative matters in the Netherlands
Since its creation in 2006, AFICS-NL has accumulated a considerable amount of expertise and experience on a variety of issues faced by retirees once they return to the Netherlands with a UN pension or a pension of the World Bank.
Once retirees take up residence in the Netherlands, they are in principle liable to the national taxation regime and social security system. AFICS-NL can inform retirees on laws and regulations that apply to taxation in the Netherlands of international pensions (UNJSPF and similar).
AFICS-NL can also point to information on matters like entitlements to the basic old-age pension in the Netherlands (AOW) as well as possible challenges related to access to the health insurance system (including long-term care) in the Netherlands.
What to expect from AFICS-NL in dealing with administrative matters in the UN system
As a member of the Federation of all AFICS organizations in the world (FAFICS), AFICS-NL has access to all information and benefits that pertain to FAFICS’ status as a representative body of all beneficiaries of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF).
FAFICS also keeps abreast of developments in the UN General Assembly and other Governing Bodies of the UN system organizations concerning the After-Service Health Insurance (ASHI).
Other benefits from membership in AFICS-NL
AFICS-NL also seeks to foster social and personal relationships among members, to promote their well-being and to encourage mutual support of individual members.
The annual statutory meeting of all members is organized in spring of each year. During the fall, AFICS-NL organizes a two-day excursion, each year to a different region of the Netherlands. Both events are well attended.
AFICS-NL also seeks to communicate with members through the publication of periodical newsletters reporting on events and new developments.