Federation of Associations of International Civil Servants (FAFICS)
- FAFICS: www.fafics.org
- AFICS New York: www.un.org/other/afics/
- AFICS Geneva: afics.unog.ch
- FFOA Rome: www.ffoa-web.org
United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF)
- Information for beneficiaries (including on two-track, cost-of-living adjustments, member self-service etc.)
www.unjspf.org/help-tutorials/frequently-asked-questions-faqs/faq-beneficiaries/ - Contact with Client Services: www.unjspf.org/contact-us/
Retirees from the UN and the Bretton Woods institutions in the Netherlands
- Contact with government services (DGID Burgerservicenummer): www.digid.nl
- AOW: www.svb.nl/nl/aow/uw-zaken-online-regelen/aow-aanvragen-in-nederland/
- Health insurance and long-term care: www.zorgwijzer.nl/zorgvergelijker/ziektekostenverzekering/
- www.consumentenbond.nl/zorgverzekering/ziektekostenverzekering/
- www.zorgwijzer.nl/faq/wlz/
- Tax office: www.belastingdienst.nl
The World Bank
- The World Bank1818 Society website for World Bank retirees www.wbgalumni.org
- For Dutch Chapter of 1818 Society “1818 Dutch” Contact secretary at cunera23@planet.nl
- World Bank Human Resources Portal for retirees www.worldbank.org
- World Bank supported Health insurance (MIP/RMIP) information: pubdocs.worldbank.org
Other links:
- United Nations: www.un.org
- Nederlandse Vereniging voor de Verenigde Naties: www.nvvn.nl
- World Federation of UN Associations (WFUNA): www.wfuna.org
- De Vereniging Belangenbehartinging Nedelandse gepensioneerden in het Buitenland: vbngb.eu
- Stichting Nederlanders buiten Nederland (SNBN): www.nederlandersbuitennederland.nl
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands: www.minbuza.nl